Time Killers for Your Lockdown Days during COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak is forcing everybody to lock themselves at homes, which is pretty boring considering you cannot hang out as you used to do. So how to kill time? Work for me. Yes, we have to work form homes, but that also gives me a chance to enjoy recreations while working, considering none is monitoring me right now.
So much for the crap, I find that Scribd and Ted talks are excellent, because both of them strike a perfect balance between being easy-to-understand and informative.
However, my Scribd trial is going to expire soon, so I had been searching for the way to download the audiobooks and Ted videos without expiration. Then I realize my Joyoshare Desktop Audio Recorder can download Scribd audiobooks or Ted talks to eternal offline files of whatever formats I want. So if you want the same thing, you may want to try this software.
